Water for life – Why is Water so Important to Us? | Trend Around Us

Importance of Water for Life According to facts, up to 60% of the adult human body is made up of water. The distribution of water in our body is in a way that our brain and heart is composed of 73% water, lungs are 83% made up of water, 64% water is in the skin, 79% for muscles and kidneys and at last 31% of even our bones are also composed of water. Why does then a human require water for life ? Varying according to an individual’s age group, everyone requires a particular quantity of water for life. For example, a kid generally requires around 3-4 liters per day whereas an adult requires 5-6 liters of water per day for survival. This is because, a human body loses water due to various activities like breathing, sweating, digestion, etc. and drinking water is crucial to rehydrate the body. Water possesses two major elements, i.e. hydrogen and oxygen. None is unfamiliar with the importance of these two in our lives. Moreover, certain other minerals are found in water serving various fu...